Weight Loss Program:
Weight loss goes far beyond ensuring that calories burned are greater than your calories consumed. To achieve the best results and also ensure they are sustainable, weight loss cannot be a one size-fits all approach. In our program our goal is to investigate and understand the role of each of the following factors :
- Dietary habits
- Exercise and level of activity
- Sleep and Stress
- Digestive health
- Detoxification
- Hidden food sensitivities
- Hormonal imbalance (including thyroid issues, blood sugar dysregulation, estrogen dominance)
- Motivation or improper goal setting
- Body image barriers
What to Expect:
First Initial Visit (75 min, or 60 min if existing patient):
- A detailed intake to explore all contributing factors outlined above
- Body Composition Profile (Body Mass Index and Body Fat Content Analysis)
- Taking all appropriate measurements
- Review of your 7-day diet diary
- Individualized recommendations to get started on to kick-start metabolism and detoxification
- Meal plans, recipes, grocery lists and other relevant dietary recommendations
Additional testing such as Hormonal Panel, Adrenal Panel, Food Sensitivities, and/or Nutritional and Metabolic Assessment (see Investigative Functional Tests) may be recommended for patients who have tried healthy weight-loss options in the past with little success. This may help us determine if there are other underlying causes to weight gain that must be addressed first.
First Follow Up (45 min long; typically 3 weeks after initial visit):
- Review of progress and dietary modifications
- Body Composition Profile (Body Mass Index and Body Fat Content Analysis)
- Taking all appropriate measurements
- Review of any test results (if relevant)
- Discussion of how to proceed (this is a very individualized component)
Future Follow ups (20-30 minutes):
The remainder of the weight loss program is very individualized based on each patient’s goals, level of commitment, and required support. There is no magic pill that can reverse the impact of poor habits and therefore treatment options are rooted in optimizing dietary and lifestyle habits as the foundation.
As we build on that, based on what is relevant for your case, we may add additional interventions to speed fat burning mechanisms, boost energy, support the thyroid, hormones and digestive system, or Intravenous Nutrient Therapy to support the liver and offset any nutritional deficiencies.
If you are unsure if this is for you, it is best to book a FREE 15 min phone consult to review your individual needs and see if we will be a good fit for each other. Call the office to set up an appointment.
Other Goals of the Program:
Other than achieving your actual weight-loss goal, the bigger picture is to achieve optimal health and form life-long baits that will help you keep this weight off for good!
Therefore, weight loss programs will also focus on ensuring we achieve the following:
- Improve energy levels
- Reduce sugar cravings
- Optimize metabolism
- Decrease inflammation in the body
- Balance all other systems involved
- Reduce risk factors for chronic disease
Detox Program:
Although a Weight Loss Program will inevitably include some form of detox, sometime your goal may simply be to cleanse on the inside without necessarily losing weight. There are many ways to do a Detox Program and it is important to choose the best option for you and your body given your medical history and general health concerns.
When we detoxify, our body starts releasing toxins that were stored in the body back into the bloodstream for elimination. At first this can make you feel worse and possibly cause headaches, fatigue, changes to bowel movements and may exacerbate current symptoms or conditions. However, within a few days you should start feeling improvement in energy, sleep, metabolism, and a greater sense of well-being as the body begins to work more efficiently and is more resilient. You may also experience weight-loss depending on the type of Detox Program Toronto that you do.
A Detox Program Toronto can be specific for the intestines, liver, kidneys and bladder, blood, lungs, or can include several organs. Since there are many options and there is a risk of adverse effects, it is always recommended to be properly monitored by a healthcare provider.
Contact our office to set up and initial appointment to assess what form of detox or cleanse is best for you!